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Intersearch is a professional and confidential investigative agency founded by Bruce H. Kang,well-known private investigator in the U.S.A. and Korea. 

President, Bruce Kang, has been in the investigative field since 1978. 
Bruce Kang has experience in the Military Intelligence Agency, as a Special Agent, as an Investigative Reporter and as a Private Detective working in United States of America and Korea.

First, he became famous by solving the biggest financial crime of Korean history in 1991.   He tracked down a suspect of the above crime from Korea all the way to U.S.A.   This was the very first case in which a Korean Fugitive was arrested by U.S. authority, then extradited to Korean authority for prosecution. It was the headline news of most major news media and was recorded top 10 news stories in 1991. 


Second, he has reunited countless of families between Korea and USA that had been lost for even 58 years. These heartwarming stories are reported on news media almost every month.

Third, he assisted several cases of investigation of Korea's Presidential Truth Commission on Suspicious Deaths, which investigates the allegedly government-sponsored murders of activists involved in Korea's democratization movement years back. 

He advised the Law Division of Korean Congress in preparing for the very first Private Detective Act of Korea in 1999. 


He was introduced by a special 1 hour TV program "KBS REPORT" which discovered the CEO's hidden asset of bankrupted Korean major corporation and luxury life in U.S.A.,  and  Prime Time NEWS of Korean National TV  KBS .  
Also story reported with "Chicago Reader" news paper, Monthly magazine  Women Sense , SaVie , Daily News Sports Seoul. and Korean Quarterly,  The State S.C. ,  WS Jounal and continue to expose on major medias.

He was joint partner of the heart warming reunion TV Show of MBC-TV [REUNION] since 10/2003 and  Investigative News Program MBC-TV [News Who], [PD’s Note],  SBS-TV  " [News Investigation].

Also he is the author of [Private Investigations], real cases of Financial Crime Investigation. published on 10/20/2000.

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