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Letters from Our clients

Dear Mr. Kang,

I would like to let you know how much I appreciate the efforts that everyone that worked on my mother’s case did on behalf of her and our family.  I know that this search was a difficult one because it seemed like we were too late in initiating the search for her family members.  My mother has talked very little about her family and we were always told that they were all dead because she had assumed them dead long ago.  It was very difficult for my mother to believe that someone she had never met would be able to deliver any information at all.  It was particularly hard for my mother to handle the reality that so many of her family members were deceased once the information began to be relayed to us.  For me, it was finally information about ½ of a family that I had never known.  I felt that at least now I could put names and dates together and try to put the puzzle pieces of her family together that I otherwise would never know.  

We always knew that nieces and nephews had to be out there that could fill in the blanks of the lives of my mother’s brothers and sisters in the event that they were all deceased.  When I read that my mother’s niece did not know the whereabouts of Kum Ja, I immediately knew she was still alive.  I knew the girl in the picture was still out there somewhere.  She, of course, was the only face I had ever seen.  The young, smiling, pretty girl, surrounded by other girls, has stared out of that picture at me for over 25 years.  I have gazed at that very same picture countless times and asked questions of my mother that were never answered and said to that picture, “Where are you?” were all answered with one e-mail declaring the good news that Kum Ja was found and waiting on a call from my mother.  The feeling was truly unbelievable.  

I have never regretted for one minute the steps it took to make this happen because we had always believed that someone was alive.  The only regret I have is that we didn’t do this.  We had grown up believing that we had no grandparents.  I learned that my grandfather lived until 1987.  Had we done this search back then, we could have met him and known him.  We believed her siblings were all dead only to learn that if we had done this 10 years earlier we would have seen them all except her youngest brother that passed away 30 years ago.  

I will highly recommend to anyone that you and your agency are the “real deal.”  Your agency did exactly what was said would be done and for that we are eternally grateful.

Sincerely yours,

Sharon K. Thompson


The Best Mother’s Day Gift

In 1962, my Korean mother married an American Army Soldier and soon they left Korea for the United States. For the next two years my mother remained in contact with her younger sister through letter writing. Over time though, through different moves with the Army and her sister moving, they lost all contact with each other.  For the past 44 years my mother has been heartbroken over not knowing the whereabouts or wellbeing of her family in Korea. 

Over the years, I wondered about my Korean relatives and was eager to know about my heritage. One day while looking for information on finding lost Korean relatives, I stumbled upon a web-site featuring Mr. Kang. I read the many stories and letters and was encouraged that he might be the one who could reunite our family. In March 2008, I made a decision that would require a great deal of trust in someone I had never met before. After talking to my mother, my sister and brother, we decided to “go for it, and hope for the best”. Mr. Kang made no guarantee but he said if he could find some record on my mother in Korea, he believed that we had a 90% chance of finding at least one relative. 

A week ago, we had our first exciting but bittersweet news. Mr. Kang found a niece of my mothers. Unfortunately after talking with the niece, it was confirmed that all but one of my mother’s sisters and brothers had passed away. Her niece did not know the condition or whereabouts of the last sister.

Last night, we got the best news ever. I received a phone call from Mr. Kang telling me that he found my mother’s younger sister Kum Ja; she was alive and well, living in Seoul. My mother called the phone number provided by Mr. Kang and remarkably, it was Kum Ja !.  I cannot remember my mother being more excited than she was last night. She can hardly wait to call Kum Ja again. 

Today, I made airline reservations for my mother to visit Kum Ja. She will be leaving for Korea at the end of this month. I know it will be a very special reunion that has been long overdue.

We are so grateful for the hard work Mr. Kang and his associates did for us.  We would never have been able to reunite our family without them. Finding my mother’s sister was the best Mother’s Day gift my sister, brother, and I could ever give to our mother.


Brenda Landau
Davidson, NC,   May 15, 2008

Dear Detective Bruce Kang

I want to thank you so much for being the one that finally found my father. I am a woman born in Korea about 36 years ago. At the age of 5, I was adopted to a far away country Europe. The only memory I had about Korea, was that my father loved me. In the year of 2000, me and my husband went to Korea for our honeymoon, and at the same time I got to meet my biological mother and her husband. I was very sad, when she was not able to tell me about my father, the only thing she knew about him, was that he had immigrated to USA a long time ago.

Even tough I did not have much information about my father, I started to try to find him in the USA. I even hired several investigators but with no success. In my heart I was hurting so much, I was asking myself, “will I ever find my father, or is it time to stop searching now ?.

This I asked my self after trying to find him for about 7 years.

Finally I decided to try just one more time. The other investigators had told me it was very difficult to find persons with Korean names in the USA, so this time I started to search the internet after a Korean investigator in the USA and then I found Bruce Kang website.
To be honest I did not have much hope this time either, because I was so disappointed so many times before. But I decided to hire him to try to find my father. I gave him all the information I had about my father, and he told me he would try to find him. Only about 2 days later I got a very positive e-mail from Bruce Kang that He had a very good feeling about finding my father. And I could not believe my ears when I got the telephone call of my life, only 2 days later. Bruce Kang asked me: Are you sitting down, we have found your father. At first I was shaking and trembling so much that I could barely speak. And then he told me that my father had reacted just the same way, when he got the letter with the picture of me as a little girl. 

Later that evening on the 13 of February 2007 I talked with my father for the first time in over 30 years of separation, and Bruce Kang was translating for us. After talking to my father, Bruce Kang told me that this kind of cases is really what makes it so good to be a detective and be able to help people to find their long lost love ones, I could really feel that this man do care about other humans. In this regard I do hope that, if you are considering hiring Bruce Kang for your search, and he finds your precious ones, please donate some extra money for his special project. Bruce Kang knows that out there, there are very lonely souls who need so much to find their loved ones, but who will never experience to find them, because they do not have the financial means to do so.
To make a long story short I met my father on the 18 of February this year. This is a very special day for Koreans, it is actually New Years day, and I am very sure that neither my father or I could have received a more precious gift. This tender hearted reunion would never had happen for me and my father, had it not been for Detective Bruce Kang and his team, I am so grateful to him, that he found my father, and that he believed my story about my fathers love. I know that my story is a little bit unusual, because in my case it was a fathers love, not mothers who was the main force for searching. 

If you are longing to find your love ones, either it is a father, mother or other relatives, do not hesitate to use your money to hire Detective Bruce Kang. You don’t have to have much information only name and maybe date of birth, then Bruce Kang will find your relative for you, it does not matter if your relative is living in Korea, Bruce Kang is the man, he will get the job done. To all you who decides to search Good Luck and don’t give up..

Much happiness to you all

Beautiful Star    8/1/2007
(the meaning of my Korean name, that my father decided for me, when I was born)  

Dear Mr. Kang,
My Mother was finally reunited in person with her brothers last month!! 
She was in Korea for about 2 1/2 weeks with my father. I only stayed for one week. She was overwhelmed by it all!!! She had so much catching up to do with her brothers and so many questions about her parents since. Her mother passed shortly after she was born and her father passed when she was about four. The trip was so enlightening for everyone involved. My parents will be back Today. Can't wait to see them.Again, 
I can not thank you enough !!!!.

Sincerely, Connie Sandifer   10/08/2006

P.S.- These are pictures of my Mother(with the sunglasses) and her three brothers and a sister-in-law. They are standing in the town where she was born...and in the very spot where their farm house used to stand before it was burned down during the war. 

Dear Mr. Kang:

I regret the LONG delay in sending you an official thank you for locating my mothers brothers in Seoul. Since we spoke my husband, my brother in law, sister in law and I went on our trip to Japan and Korea. We spent 4 days in Korea where my uncles met us at the airport, gave us a very nice place to stay, and gave us a wonderful tour of Seoul and even to the DMZ. They were so hospitable!!!  Seoul is A LOT bigger and more crowded than I ever imagined!  One of my uncles had several years ago held an important position for the city of Seoul and his name was even on the time capsule when he showed us!!! We wished we had 

more time to stay!!
My Mother is finally going to be reunited with her brothers after 40 years this September. My father and I will also be going with her. Ever since I was little I have always dreamed of going back to Korea with my mother and this dream is going to come true thanks to your help!!!

I have to admit I was rather skeptical at first having NEVER done anything like this before, especially from the internet. Afterall, my mother and I only gave you just a few bits of information like our birthdates and info from her birth certificate. We only were able to give you names of my uncles and nothing else. It felt like a dream when you called about ONE week later to tell me that you had found all three of them!!!

Please feel free to place this in your website and even use me as a reference if you like. I will send pictures of my mothers visit to Seoul. I am sending 1 picture from my visit last year. My uncles are the 3 men on the left, and I'm in the middle with the white tshirt. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sincerely, Connie M. Sandifer   8/4/2006

Dear Bruce,

I want to thank you and your company for all of your efforts in finding my mother. When I contacted your agency three weeks ago, I was going in blind but with a lot of faith that you could help me. My mother left my sisters and I and my dad about 15 years ago. We lost complete contact with her about 10 years and did not know where to go about looking for her. We assumed that she had either returned to Korea or had died. I lived most of my life thinking that she was dead.

Recently, I felt the need to bring closure to this uncertainty so I decided to start to search for her on my own about 6 years ago. My search was unsuccessful since I had minimal information on her at that time and I did not have her social security number. I knew she used alias names in the past but I wasn't certain what those names were. I also did not speak Korean. 

After a few weeks of looking for her on my own, I decided that I would just let this go and try to live my life the best way I could. However, after I gave birth to my second daughter in August of 2005, I realized that this part of my life was still haunting me. I missed her deeply and needed to where she was. So I decided to start my search again but this time I would hire a professional detective. After doing some research on the internet, I came across your agency. It interested me because you are Korean and seemed to have a lot of contacts in the U.S and in Korea. I was a little skeptical to give you any information at first, but after speaking with you over the phone, I felt you were sincere and genuine in your desire to reunite families.

After I gave you her information, I was very surprised that you were able to feed me some information almost immediately. It took only two weeks from the time I contacted you until the time you gave me the best call of my life. 
When you called me and told me that you found my mother, I was in shock. I could not believe it. She was alive! I called her immediately and she started crying as did I. It was like I was in a dream. A prayer that had 
been prayed for 15 years was finally answered through you. I immediately decided to see her since she was only 5 hours from my home. Which was also amazing that all this time she was closeby. My husband and our children and my sister and her family all drove to see her in person to make sure it was really her. When we arrived at her home, she was waiting anxiously at the door. We embraced and cried. It was her and she was healthy and doing fine. 
We spent the day together talking and looking at photos. We even saw a video of all of our uncles and maternal grandmother who are all doing well in Korea!

I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your ability to find someone in such a short period of time is amazing. I would recommend you to anyone that would need assistance in finding a loved one. Please keep up the good work!

All the best,
Carolyn Alessi (  4/3/06

Mr. Kang,
Thank you once again for re-uniting  my mother with her brothers.
It was an incredible day that none of us will ever forget  ! 
I'll be in contact with you when I complete the testimonial. 
I was also contacted the local paper & TV stations in hope to share our story.
Connie Sandifer.

Mr. Kang 

We both want to express our appreciation for the concern and effort you extended in locating us for my wife's relatives. HiCha has spoken with her brother and family several times in the past weeks, and is completing the important papers to clear up the matters of her father's estate; and catching up on all the years they've missed. We have recently received a copy of the "Weekly Dong-A" containing the article about her family's request and your investigative search for our residence; very touching article. She is traveling to Korea on March 7th for a long-awaited reunion with her family after 14 years! Once again, thank you and continued success in your investigative career. 


Allen & HiCha Sachs 

Attn. Mr Bruce Kang, 

25 Years ago my sister and I were adopted from Korea to Holland. About 1 1/2 year ago I started searching my parents and brother and sisters via the official adoption organizations "Wereldkinderen" and "KSS". However, being without any result after more than 1 year I decided to investigate other possibilities of searching my family and started to surf on internet. Soon I saw a message of Intersearch and contacted Mr Bruce Kang who asked me to send all the (necessary) information which was available, which was quite a lot, in order to give an idea about the chances of finding my parents. Although I was not known of Intersearch I decided to give it a try. After 1 week I already got a message that my parents were found! and a few days later I already spoke with my sister by phone. Next month we will have a reunion with the whole family in New York for the first time in 25 years, thanks to Mr Bruce Kang's organization! We herewith would like to thank mr Kang for the quick result and the pleasant communication during and after finding my family. Kind regards and wish you and your organization all the best in the future, 

Hwa Sun Kragt     

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