30년만에 아버지와 극적 상봉
Dear Detective Bruce Kang
I want to thank you so much for being the one that finally found my father. I am a woman born in Korea about 36 years ago. At the age of 5, I was adopted to a far away country Europe. The only memory I had about Korea, was that my father loved me. In the year of 2000, me and my husband went to Korea for our honeymoon, and at the same time I got to meet my biological mother and her husband. I was very sad, when she was not able to tell me about my father, the only thing she knew about him, was that he had immigrated to USA a long time ago.

Even tough I did not have much information about my father, I started to try to find him in the USA. I even hired several investigators but with no success. In my heart I was hurting so much, I was asking myself, “will I ever find my father, or is it time to stop searching now ?.
This I asked my self after trying to find him for about 7 years.
Finally I decided to try just one more time. The other investigators had told me it was very difficult to find persons with Korean names in the USA, so this time I started to search the internet after a Korean investigator in the USA and then I found Bruce Kang website.
To be honest I did not have much hope this time either, because I was so disappointed so many times before. But I decided to hire him to try to find my father. I gave him all the information I had about my father, and he told me he would try to find him. Only about 2 days later I got a very positive e-mail from Bruce Kang that He had a very good feeling about finding my father. And I could not believe my ears when I got the telephone call of my life, only 2 days later. Bruce Kang asked me: Are you sitting down, we have found your father. At first I was shaking and trembling so much that I could barely speak. And then he told me that my father had reacted just the same way, when he got the letter with the picture of me as a little girl.
Later that evening on the 13 of February 2007 I talked with my father for the first time in over 30 years of separation, and Bruce Kang was translating for us. After talking to my father, Bruce Kang told me that this kind of cases is really what makes it so good to be a detective and be able to help people to find their long lost love ones, I could really feel that this man do care about other humans. In this regard I do hope that, if you are considering hiring Bruce Kang for your search, and he finds your precious ones, please donate some extra money for his special project. Bruce Kang knows that out there, there are very lonely souls who need so much to find their loved ones, but who will never experience to find them, because they do not have the financial means to do so.
To make a long story short I met my father on the 18 of February this year. This is a very special day for Koreans, it is actually New Years day, and I am very sure that neither my father or I could have received a more precious gift. This tender hearted reunion would never had happen for me and my father, had it not been for Detective Bruce Kang and his team, I am so grateful to him, that he found my father, and that he believed my story about my fathers love. I know that my story is a little bit unusual, because in my case it was a fathers love, not mothers who was the main force for searching.
If you are longing to find your love ones, either it is a father, mother or other relatives, do not hesitate to use your money to hire Detective Bruce Kang. You don’t have to have much information only name and maybe date of birth, then Bruce Kang will find your relative for you, it does not matter if your relative is living in Korea, Bruce Kang is the man, he will get the job done. To all you who decides to search Good Luck and don’t give up..
Much happiness to you all
Beautiful Star 8/1/2007 (the meaning of my Korean name, that my father decided for me, when I was born)
16년만에 다시찾은 아버지와의 극적인 만남
안녕하세요 강탐정님
서울에 있는 한 동우 입니다. 강탐정님 덕분에 미국에 계신 아버지와 16년만에
극적으로 다시 통화하게 되었습니다.
제가 아버지에 대해 아는것은 아버지성함과 주민번호뿐이라서 엄청 막막했습니다.
다시한번 감사드린다고 말씀드리려고 이렇게 글을 올립니다.
탐정님아니었으면 어떻게 찾았을까 생각하니 너무막막하더군여^^
아버지와의 전화통화는 정말로 좋은시간이었습니다. 눈물도 많이났고요...
이은혜를 어떻게 갚아야할지 진심으로 감사드린다는 말뿐이 없네요. 서울에
계시면 한번 찾아뵙고 싶구요 .너무너무 감사합니다 ^^
강탐정님의 넓은 배려심에 제가 앞으로 살아가는데 무지 큰힘이 될것같습니다.
이런 좋을 일을 하시는 강탐정님이 계시다는 것에 한국인의 자부심이 느껴지고요
앞으로도 탐정님이 하시는 사업 꼭 번창하시길 기원하겠습니다.
정말로 감사드립니다. 다음에 또 연락드리겠습니다. 수고하세요
- 6-27-07 서울에서 한 동우 올림 -
꿈에 그리던 누님과 재회

강선생님 안녕하세요.
요즘 3일간 엘레이 날씨가 95도 이상되니 이제는 더위가 계속 되나 봅니다.
거기는 지금 날씨가 어떤지요.
강선생님 참 수고가 많습니다.
잃었던 누나를 찾아 주신대 대해 너무 너무 고맙게 생각 합니다.
형편만 된다면 많은 사례를 하고 싶은데 강선생님 저의 형편상 그러지 못하고 보니 마음만 아프 답니다.
강선생님 넓으신 아량으로 이해 바랍니다.
강선생님 이번 기회가 우리 서로 인연이라 생각하면서 서로의 인생이 다하는 날까지 잊지 맙시다.
먼 훗날에는 좋은 일도 있겠지요.
그럼 강선생님 항상 몸 건강 하시고 하시는 일 날로 날로 번창하시기를 멀리서나마 항상 잊지 않고 기원하겠습니다.
그럼 건강하시고 안영히 계십시오.
2007-5-10 엘레이에서 진국 아빠 드림